We started classes on Monday and so far they've all been alright. Nothing too interesting about any of them. I was so proud of myself that I had made it to all my classes on time and didn't get lost once! Well that all went downhill today. It was my last different class of the week and it was in a building that I'd previously had class in as well. I also thought it was in the same room as before. But it wasn't. The class had already been moved once but to a building much closer to the central part of campus. In fact all my classes are right off of the main road that goes by the student union. For some reason I assumed that lecture theater A was just another name for lecture hall 1. All my other classes had been in lecture theaters identified by number not letter. So I walked down to the class, first time I walked into theater 2 realized my mistake and walked out. Then I walked into theater 1 but the previous class was still going on so I scooted back out to wait in the hall. While I was waiting two other students came over to me to ask if I was waiting for the philosophy lecture and I said yes. We chatted for a little while, he asked where in the States I lived, then realized it didn't really matter because when I told him Virginia he said he wasn't really sure. But he did know where DC was do that helped him a bit. There wasn't a lot of people waiting so we thought maybe it was going to be a small class. I saw other study abroad students who I knew were in the class and they were waiting as well. When the class ahead of ours got our we all went in and sat down. A couple more people came in and sat down as well. Minutes went by and it came time for class to start, that's when we started wondering that maybe we were in the wrong spot. One of the girls checked her e-mail and saw lecture theater A. So we all trekked back up to the main floor and followed signs to lecture theater A. The building we were in was like a giant maze. We had to turn go through doors and then head back downstairs. I was so glad that it was not just me and that full year Sheffield students did the same thing.
Other than that my classes have been pretty uneventful. I've talked to a couple different people in my classes, all of which are nice. The work doesn't seem like it will be too difficult. In one of the departments I'm taking classes in they divide up their semester, so I am only taking this class for 6 weeks! Luckily it's my earliest class as well, so one week down only five more to go:) Also in this same class if you are late the prof makes you sit in the front row so she can call on you to answer questions. Needless to say if I'm going to be late to class I just might not go! It's also interesting because I am taking first year courses because those were what I needed. Everyone in the classes seem surprised when I tell them I am a third year. Yes, if I tell people I am a junior they just look at me like I've said the most bizarre thing. Some other differences, the classes are set as far as day and time but will vary from day to day. Like my one class, I have at 4:10 on Tuesdays in the Hicks building and I have it again on Wednesday at 12:10 in the Biology building. Other classes are similar so it was confusing when I was trying to figure it out. Also we get a week off in March for reading week before midterms. We also get three weeks off in April for Easter break, and a week off in May before final exams for another reading week!
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