22 February 2011

Snow, Groceries, and Fairy Bread

On Saturday I was awoken to the excited screams from my Aussie flatmates.  We had snow!  Now I love snow, but my snow excitement was nothing compared to theirs, especially Amanda's.  On our way out on Friday night she was telling everyone about how it was supposed to snow.  In turn, everyone told her that it wasn't going to snow and even if it did it wouldn't stick because it the ground would be too warm.  All she wanted though was one day where it snowed and she got it.  There was less than half an inch but it was enough to cover the ground.  Living in Australia they had each seen snow only a couple times in their lives.  Katrina, my flatmate from Hong Kong, had never seen snow before at all.  It was fun to watch them all get excited about something that's usually at least a yearly occurrence in Virginia.  

Today was an exciting day for me, I got my groceries delivered!  Ok, so I felt incredibly lazy having my groceries delivered but it really was so much more easier than stopping on my way home from class.  I feel like I have gone there every single day to get something.  That and the store closest to my flat doesn't have a huge variety and I can never seem to find what I want.  It took me 10 minutes to find the chocolate chips on Sunday and there are only 4 aisles in the store.  The other convenient thing was that I can only carry so much back from the store on my way home from class.  This way I was finally able to get some of the things that should last me awhile.  Hopefully now the only things I will need to stop on the way home for are milk and other items that I go through pretty quickly over here. 

It was also Fiona's birthday today.  She lives in the same building as me but on the other girls flat 2 floors up.  She lives with one of the VT girls.  As she is also from Australia Amanda decided to make her a traditional Australian birthday treat that most kids have, I believe, instead of cake on their birthdays.  And I was introduced to Fairy Bread.  It's really not hard to make at all.  All it is, is a slice of white bread, you butter the bread, and sprinkle the dot sprinkles on it.  No baking or doing anything else, that's it.  I was pretty skeptical about trying it but it really wasn't bad at all.  In fact it was quite good!  So watch out if I'm going to be around for your birthday, chances are I'm just going to make you Fairy Bread instead of getting you a gift or baking you a cake:)

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